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AODE - Class in weka.classifiers.bayes
AODE achieves highly accurate classification by averaging over all of a small space of alternative naive-Bayes-like models that have weaker (and hence less detrimental) independence assumptions than naive Bayes.
AODE() - Constructor for class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
AODEsr - Class in weka.classifiers.bayes
AODEsr augments AODE with Subsumption Resolution.AODEsr detects specializations between two attribute values at classification time and deletes the generalization attribute value.
For more information, see:
Fei Zheng, Geoffrey I.
AODEsr() - Constructor for class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr


buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Generates the classifier.
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Generates the classifier.
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Generates the classifier.


criticalValueTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the tip text for this property


distributionForInstance(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
distributionForInstance(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance.
distributionForInstance(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Calculates the class membership probabilities for the given test instance


frequencyLimitTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns the tip text for this property
frequencyLimitTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the tip text for this property


getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns default capabilities of the classifier.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns default capabilities of the classifier.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Returns default capabilities of the classifier.
getCriticalValue() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Gets the critical value.
getFrequencyLimit() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Gets the frequency limit.
getFrequencyLimit() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Gets the frequency limit.
getInternals() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Gets whether more internals of the classifier are printed.
getMestWeight() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Gets the weight used in m-estimate
getOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Gets the current settings of the classifier.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Gets the current settings of the classifier.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Gets the current settings of the filter.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns the revision string.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the revision string.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Returns the revision string.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getUseLaplace() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Gets if laplace correction is being used.
getUseMEstimates() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Gets if m-estimaces is being used.
getWeight() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Gets the weight used in m-estimate
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns a string describing this classifier
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns a string describing this classifier
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Returns a string describing this classifier


internalsTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Returns the tip text for this property


LaplaceEstimate(double, double, double) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the probability estimate, using laplace correction
listOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns an enumeration describing the available options
listOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns an enumeration describing the available options
listOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Gets an enumeration describing the available options.


main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Main method for testing this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Main method for testing this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Main method for testing this class.
MEstimate(double, double, double) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the probability estimate, using m-estimate
mestWeightTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the tip text for this property


NBconditionalProb(Instance, int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Calculates the probability of the specified class for the given test instance, using naive Bayes.
NBconditionalProb(Instance, int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Calculates the probability of the specified class for the given test instance, using naive Bayes.


setCriticalValue(int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Sets the critical value
setFrequencyLimit(int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Sets the frequency limit
setFrequencyLimit(int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Sets the frequency limit
setInternals(boolean) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Sets whether internals about classifier are printed via toString().
setMestWeight(double) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Sets the weight for m-estimate
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Parses a given list of options.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Parses a given list of options.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
Parses a given list of options.
setUseLaplace(boolean) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Sets if laplace correction is to be used.
setUseMEstimates(boolean) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Sets if m-estimates is to be used.
setWeight(int) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Sets the weight for m-estimate


toString() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns a description of the classifier.
toString() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns a description of the classifier.
toString() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
returns a string representation of the classifier


updateClassifier(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Updates the classifier with the given instance.
updateClassifier(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Updates the classifier with the given instance.
useLaplaceTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODEsr
Returns the tip text for this property
useMEstimatesTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns the tip text for this property


WAODE - Class in weka.classifiers.bayes
WAODE contructs the model called Weightily Averaged One-Dependence Estimators.

For more information, see

WAODE() - Constructor for class weka.classifiers.bayes.WAODE
weightTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.bayes.AODE
Returns the tip text for this property
weka.classifiers.bayes - package weka.classifiers.bayes
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