Interface | Description |
CloseableTabTitle.ClosingCallback |
Interface for a callback for notification of a tab's close widget being
CustomPanelSupplier |
An interface for objects that are capable of supplying their own
custom GUI components.
GenericObjectEditorHistory.HistorySelectionListener |
Interface for classes that listen to selections of history items.
GUIApplication |
Interface to a GUIApplication that can have multiple "perspectives" and
provide application-level and perspective-level settings.
GUIChooser.GUIChooserMenuPlugin |
Interface for plugin components that can be accessed from either the
Visualization or Tools menu.
Logger |
Interface for objects that display log (permanent historical) and
status (transient) messages.
MainMenuExtension |
Classes implementing this interface will be displayed in the "Extensions"
menu in the main GUI of Weka.
Perspective |
Interface for GUI elements that can appear as a perspective in a
GUIApplication . |
ResultHistoryPanel.RDeleteListener |
Interface for something to be notified when an entry in the list is deleted
TaskLogger |
Interface for objects that display log and display information on
running tasks.
Class | Description |
AbstractGUIApplication |
Base class for GUI applications in Weka
AbstractPerspective |
Base classes for GUI perspectives to extend.
AttributeListPanel |
Creates a panel that displays the attributes contained in a set of instances,
letting the user select a single attribute for inspection.
AttributeSelectionPanel |
Creates a panel that displays the attributes contained in a set of instances,
letting the user toggle whether each attribute is selected or not (eg: so
that unselected attributes can be removed before classification).
AttributeSummaryPanel |
This panel displays summary statistics about an attribute: name, type
number/% of missing/unique values, number of distinct values.
AttributeVisualizationPanel |
Creates a panel that shows a visualization of an attribute in a dataset.
BrowserHelper |
A little helper class for browser related stuff.
CheckBoxList |
An extended JList that contains CheckBoxes.
CloseableTabTitle |
Tab title widget that allows the user to click a little cross in order to
close the tab
ColorEditor |
A property editor for colors that uses JColorChooser as the
underlying editor.
ComponentHelper |
A helper class for some common tasks with Dialogs, Icons, etc.
ConverterFileChooser |
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Loaders and Savers.
CostBenefitAnalysisPanel |
Panel for displaying the cost-benefit plots and all control widgets.
CostMatrixEditor |
Class for editing CostMatrix objects.
DatabaseConnectionDialog |
A dialog to enter URL, username and password for a database connection.
DocumentPrinting |
DocumentPrinting is a class that lets you print documents on
the fly for free ;) Printing in JDK 1.2 - 1.5 is hard.
EnvironmentField |
Widget that displays a label and a combo box for selecting environment
EnvironmentField.WideComboBox |
Combo box that allows the drop-down list to be wider than the component
ETable |
A better-looking table than JTable.
EvaluationMetricSelectionDialog |
A GUI dialog for selecting classification/regression evaluation metrics to be
ExtensionFileFilter |
Provides a file filter for FileChoosers that accepts or rejects files based
on their extension.
ExtensionFileFilterWithClass |
File filter that stores an associated class alongside name and extension(s).
FileEditor |
A PropertyEditor for File objects that lets the user select a file.
FileEnvironmentField |
Widget that displays a label, editable combo box for selecting environment
variables and a button for brining up a file browser.
GenericArrayEditor |
A PropertyEditor for arrays of objects that themselves have property editors.
GenericObjectEditor |
A PropertyEditor for objects.
GenericObjectEditorHistory |
A helper class for maintaining a history of objects selected in the GOE.
GenericObjectEditorHistory.HistorySelectionEvent |
Event that gets sent when a history item gets selected.
GenericPropertiesCreator |
This class can generate the properties object that is normally loaded from
GenericObjectEditor.props file (= PROPERTY_FILE). |
GUIChooser |
Launcher class for the Weka GUIChooser.
GUIChooserApp |
The main class for the Weka GUIChooser.
GUIChooserApp.ChildFrameSDI |
Specialized JFrame class.
GUIChooserApp.GUIChooserDefaults |
Inner class for defaults
HierarchyPropertyParser |
This class implements a parser to read properties that have a hierarchy(i.e.
InstancesSummaryPanel |
This panel just displays relation name, number of instances, and number of
InteractiveTableModel |
Table model that automatically adds a new row to the table on pressing enter
in the last cell of a row.
InteractiveTablePanel |
Provides a panel using an interactive table model.
JListHelper |
A helper class for JList GUI elements with DefaultListModel or
derived models.
JTableHelper |
A helper class for JTable, e.g.
ListSelectorDialog |
A dialog to present the user with a list of items, that the user can
make a selection from, or cancel the selection.
Loader |
This class is for loading resources from a JAR archive.
LogPanel |
This panel allows log and status messages to be posted.
LogWindow |
Frame that shows the output from stdout and stderr.
LookAndFeel |
A little helper class for setting the Look and Feel of the user interface.
Main |
Menu-based GUI for Weka, replacement for the GUIChooser.
Main.BackgroundDesktopPane |
DesktopPane with background image.
Main.ChildFrameMDI |
Specialized JInternalFrame class.
Main.ChildFrameSDI |
Specialized JFrame class.
MemoryUsagePanel |
A panel for displaying the memory usage.
PackageManager |
A GUI interface the the package management system.
PasswordField |
Property editor widget that wraps and displays a JPasswordField.
PerspectiveManager |
Manages perspectives and the main menu bar (if visible), holds the currently
selected perspective, and implements the perspective button bar.
PerspectiveManager.SelectedPerspectivePreferences |
Class to manage user preferences with respect to visible perspectives and
whether the perspectives toolbar is always hidden or is visible on
application startup
PropertyDialog |
Support for PropertyEditors with custom editors: puts the editor into
a separate frame.
PropertyPanel |
Support for drawing a property value in a component.
PropertySelectorDialog |
Allows the user to select any (supported) property of an object, including
properties that any of it's property values may have.
PropertySheetPanel |
Displays a property sheet where (supported) properties of the target object
may be edited.
RangeEditor |
A PropertyEditor that can be used to edit Range objects (really, just appropriately formatted strings).
ReaderToTextPane |
A class that sends all lines from a reader to a JTextPane component.
ResultHistoryPanel |
A component that accepts named stringbuffers and displays the name in a list
ResultHistoryPanel.RKeyAdapter |
Extension of KeyAdapter that implements Serializable.
ResultHistoryPanel.RMouseAdapter |
Extension of MouseAdapter that implements Serializable.
SaveBuffer |
This class handles the saving of StringBuffers to files.
SelectedTagEditor |
A PropertyEditor that uses tags, where the tags are obtained from a
weka.core.SelectedTag object.
SetInstancesPanel |
A panel that displays an instance summary for a set of instances and lets the
user open a set of instances from either a file or URL.
SettingsEditor |
Provides a panel for editing application and perspective settings
SettingsEditor.SingleSettingsEditor | |
SimpleCLI |
Creates a very simple command line for invoking the main method of
SimpleCLIPanel |
Creates a very simple command line for invoking the main method of classes.
SimpleCLIPanel.ClassRunner |
A class that handles running the main method of the class in a separate
SimpleCLIPanel.CommandlineCompletion |
A class for commandline completion of classnames.
SimpleDateFormatEditor |
Class for editing SimpleDateFormat strings.
SortedTableModel |
Represents a TableModel with sorting functionality.
SortedTableModel.SortContainer |
Helper class for sorting the columns.
SplashWindow |
A Splash window.
SysErrLog |
This Logger just sends messages to System.err.
ViewerDialog |
A downsized version of the ArffViewer, displaying only one Instances-Object.
WekaFileChooser |
Customized WekaFileChooser with support for bookmarks.
WekaFileChooser.Factory | |
WekaFileChooser.FileChooserBookmarksPanel | |
WekaFileChooser.PropertiesHandler | |
WekaTaskMonitor |
This panel records the number of weka tasks running and displays a
simple bird animation while their are active tasks
Workbench |
Launcher class for the Weka workbench.
WorkbenchApp |
One app to rule them all, one app to find them, one app to bring them all and
with perspectives bind them.
WorkbenchDefaults |
Default settings for the Workbench app.
WrapLayout |
FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components.
Enum | Description |
GUIChooser.GUIChooserMenuPlugin.Menu |
Enum listing possible menus that plugins can appear in
Annotation Type | Description |
FilePropertyMetadata |
Method annotation that can be used to provide some additional information for
handling file properties in the GUI.
GPCIgnore |
Marker annotation.
PasswordProperty |
Method annotation that can be used to indicate that a property is a
PerspectiveInfo | |
ProgrammaticProperty |
Method annotation that can be used with bean properties that are to be considered as
programmatic only (i.e.