Interface | Description |
GraphicalEnvironmentCommandHandler |
Interface for graphical command handlers
StepEditorDialog.ClosingListener |
Interface for those that want to be notified when this dialog closes
StepInteractiveViewer |
Interface for GUI interactive viewer components that can be popped up from
the contextual menu in the Knowledge Flow that appears when you right-click
over a step on the layout.
Class | Description |
AbstractGraphicalCommand |
Base class for a graphical command
AttributeSummaryPerspective |
Knowledge Flow perspective that provides a matrix of
AttributeSummaryPerspective.AttDefaults |
Default settings for the AttributeSummaryPerspective
BaseInteractiveViewer |
Base class than clients can extend when implementing
StepInteractiveViewer . |
DesignPanel |
Panel that contains the tree view of steps and the search
GetPerspectiveNamesGraphicalCommand |
Class implementing a command for getting the names of all visible
GOEStepEditorDialog |
A step editor dialog that uses the GOE mechanism to provide property editors.
InvisibleNode |
Subclass of
DefaultMutableTreeNode that can hide itself in a
JTree . |
InvisibleTreeModel |
Subclass of
DefaultTreeModel that contains InvisibleNode s. |
KFGraphicalEnvironmentCommandHandler |
Default Knowledge Flow graphical command handler
KFGUIConsts |
Class that holds constants that are used within the GUI side of the
Knowledge Flow.
KnowledgeFlow |
Launcher class for the Weka Knowledge Flow.
KnowledgeFlowApp |
Main Knowledge Flow application class
KnowledgeFlowApp.KnowledgeFlowGeneralDefaults |
General default settings for the Knowledge Flow
LayoutPanel |
Provides a panel just for laying out a Knowledge Flow graph.
MainKFPerspective |
Main perspective for the Knowledge flow application
MainKFPerspectiveToolBar |
Class that provides the main editing widget toolbar and menu items
NoteVisual |
Visual representation for the Note "step".
ScatterPlotMatrixPerspective |
Knowledge Flow perspective for the scatter plot matrix
SendToPerspectiveGraphicalCommand |
Class implementing sending a set of Instances to a named perspective
ShadowBorder |
Border implementation that provides a drop shadow
SQLViewerPerspective |
Perspective that wraps the {@code SQLViewer) component
StepEditorDialog |
Base class for step editor dialogs.
StepTree |
Subclass of JTree for displaying available steps.
StepTreeLeafDetails |
Maintains information about a step in the
StepTree - e.g. |
StepVisual |
Class for managing the appearance of a step in the GUI Knowledge Flow
TemplateManager |
Manages all things template-related
VisibleLayout |
Panel that wraps a flow and makes it visible in the KnowledgeFlow, along with
it's associated log panel
Enum | Description |
MainKFPerspectiveToolBar.Widgets |
Enum containing all the widgets provided by the toolbar.
Annotation Type | Description |
StepTreeIgnore |
Marker annotation.