Author: | | Christopher Beckham, Eibe Frank, Mark Hall, Steven Lang and Felipe Bravo |
Category: | | Classification/Regression |
Changes: | | Update Deeplearning4j API to dl4j 1.0.0-beta |
Date: | | 2018-10-22 |
Depends: | | weka (>=3.8.1) |
Description: | | Provides access to classifiers and filters using the Deeplearning4j library. Deep neural networks can be built using a multitude of different layers, activations, lossfunctions and more. See to add CUDA support. |
License: | | GPL 3.0 |
Maintainer: | | Weka team <wekalist{[at]}> |
MessageToDisplayOnInstallation: | | To enable GPU support, see |
OSArch: | | 64 |
OSName: | | |
PackageURL: | | |
Precludes: | | wekaDeeplearning4j-GPU-linux,wekaDeeplearning4j-GPU-macosx,wekaDeeplearning4j-GPU-windows,wekaDeeplearning4j-CPU-linux,wekaDeeplearning4j-CPU-macosx,wekaDeeplearning4j-CPU-windows |
URL: | | |
Version: | | 1.5.10 |