Author:Mark Hall <mhall{[at]}>
Category:Time series
Changes:Fixed a bug where the TSLagMaker's artificial time index was left in a one step advanced state after generating future predictions from the end of the training data.
Depends:weka (>=3.9.1-SNAPSHOT)
Description:Provides a time series forecasting environment for Weka. Includes a wrapper for Weka regression schemes that automates the process of creating lagged variables and date-derived periodic variables and provides the ability to do closed-loop forecasting. New evaluation routines are provided by a special evaluation module and graphing of predictions/forecasts are provided via the JFreeChart library. Includes both command-line and GUI user interfaces. Sample time series data can be found in ${WEKA_HOME}/packages/timeseriesForecasting/sample-data.
License:GPL 3
Maintainer:Mark Hall <mhall{[at]}>