Author:Lin Dong and Peter Reutemann
Changes:MultiInstanceToPropositional now works properly using default instance weighting method when run from the command-line.
Depends:weka (>=3.7.10)
Description:A collection of filters for manipulating multi-instance data. Includes PropositionalToMultiInstance, MultiInstanceToPropositional, MILESFilter and RELAGGS. For more information see:

M.-A. Krogel, S. Wrobel: Facets of Aggregation Approaches to Propositionalization. In: Work-in-Progress Track at the Thirteenth International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), 2003.

Y. Chen, J. Bi, J.Z. Wang (2006). MILES: Multiple-instance learning via embedded instance selection. IEEE PAMI. 28(12):1931-1947.

James Foulds, Eibe Frank: Revisiting multiple-instance learning via embedded instance selection. In: 21st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 300-310, 2008.
License:GPL 3.0
Maintainer:Weka team <wekalist{[at]}>