Author:Eibe Frank
Changes:The meaning of the values of the class attribute has changed! Anomalies should now correspond to the second class value, no longer the first one. Can now also deal with unary classes. Has moved from classifiers.trees to classifiers.misc.
Depends:weka (>=3.7.2)
Description:Class for building and using a classifier built on the Isolation Forest anomaly detection algorithm. Note that this classifier is designed for anomaly detection, it is not designed for solving two-class or multi-class classification problems! For more information see Fei Tony Liu, Kai Ming Ting and Zhi-Hua Zhou. 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pages 413-422.
License:GPL 3.0
Maintainer:Weka team <wekalist{[at]}>