Author: | | Antti Puurula<asp12{[at]}> |
Category: | | Text classification |
Date: | | 2013-04-23 |
Depends: | | weka (>3.7.1|<3.8.0) |
Description: | | A wrapper for Sparse Generative Model toolkit for generative modeling with sparse matrix representations. |
Implements: | | Multinomial Naive Bayes and Multinomial Kernel Density classifiers. Cosine distances and KNN classification |
License: | | GPL 2.0|Mozilla |
Maintainer: | | Antti Puurula<asp12{[at]}> |
PackageURL: | | |
URL: | | |
Version: | | 1.3.2 |
accuracy.: | | Restart Weka after package installation, disable "Output model" in test options. Multi-label classification |
and: | | other functions available through command-line calls and class inclusion. |
provided: | | in addition. Includes TF-IDF transforms, several parameter smoothing options and pruning for improving |