Author: | Mark Hall <mhall{[at]}> | |
Category: | R integration | |
Changes: | Updated MLRClassifier to support MLR 2.9. | |
Date: | 2016-10-13 | |
Depends: | weka (>=3.8.0) | |
Description: | Provides a Knowledge Flow component for executing an R script and a wrapper classifier for the MLR (machine learning in R) R package. Also provides a Knowledge Flow perspective and Explorer plugin that implements an interactive R console and allows visualization of graphics produced by R. IMPORTANT: This package requires the R system (>= 3.0.0) to be installed on your computer before it can be used. Before using this package you must manually install the R package "rJava" by typing install.packages("rJava") from the R console. Furthermore, the environment variable R_HOME must be set to point to the installation directory for R and the R executable must be in the PATH environment variable. This package will attempt to locate the JRI native library (which is installed as part of rJava) automatically under Windows and Mac OS X. For this to succeed, it may be necessary for the R_LIBS_USER environment variable to be set to point to the user's personal R packages directory. Alternatively, the jri.native.library java property can be set to point directly to the jri native library file, or the java.library.path can be set to point to the directory that contains the jri native library file. More information on configuring Java to access JRI under various OS can be found at Example Knowledge Flow template files demonstrating the R components can be found in ${WEKA_HOME}/packages/RPlugin/templates. | |
DoNotLoadIfEnvVarNotSet: | R_HOME | |
License: | LGPL 3.0 | |
Maintainer: | Mark Hall <mhall{[at]}> | |
MessageToDisplayOnInstallation: | This package requires the R system to be installed on your computer before it can be used. Before using this package you must manually install the R package "rJava" by typing install.packages("rJava") from the R console. Furthermore, the environment variable R_HOME must be set to point to the installation directory for R and the R executable must be in the PATH environment variable. This package will attempt to locate the JRI native library (which is installed as part of rJava) automatically under Windows and Mac OS X. For this to succeed under Windows it is necessary for the R_LIBS_USER environment variable to be set to point to the user's personal R packages directory. Alternatively, the jri.native.library java property can be set to point directly to the jri native library file, or the java.library.path can be set to point to the directory that contains the jri native library file. More information on configuring Java to access JRI under various OS can be found at Example Knowledge Flow template files demonstrating the R components can be found in ${WEKA_HOME}/packages/RPlugin/templates. | |
PackageURL: | | |
URL: | | |
Version: | 1.1.19 |