Author: | | Dino Ienco <dino.ienco{[at]}>,Ruggero G. Pensa <pensa{[at]}> |
Category: | | Distance |
Changes: | | Fixed bug preventing use of unsupervised discretisation when no class is set, reported by Martin Trat. |
Date: | | 2022-06-09 |
Depends: | | weka (>=3.7.11),fastCorrBasedFS (>=1.0.1) |
Description: | | This package implements the parameter free version of the DILCA distance. This approach allows to learn value-to-value distances between each pair of values for each attribute of the dataset. The distance between two values is computed indirectly based on the their distribution w.r.t. a set of related attributes (the context) carefully chosen |
Enhances: | | packageName1,packageName2,... |
License: | | GPL 2.0|Mozilla |
Maintainer: | | Dino Ienco <dino.ienco{[at]}>> |
PackageURL: | | |
URL: | | |
Version: | | 1.0.2 |